Understanding fasting; The Sunday Show 23/5

Understanding fasting; The Sunday Show 23/5

In this Sunday show, Chris Woollams explains 'fasting', in particular the two types - Time Restricted Fasting and Intermittent Fasting. If you're confused about which one does what and whether or not one is right for you and your cancer, you are not alone.

So many experts get the two types wrong. They misquote longevity expert Professor Valter Longo, saying he supports time restricted fasting when he doesn't, and making claims that research does not show.

Fasting does have a role in good health, and weight loss, and in cancer treatment, but what's right for you?  One of the key health factors is making the longevity hormone called Sirtuin 1. Only some fasts do that; many don't. This 'kiddies guide' explains it all, simply.

No more confusion!

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